Amazon Parrots For Sale
Amazons parrots for sale are among the best talking parrots species in the world. They are active, bossy and hardy birds. Many species of Amazons are moderately good talkers and whistlers while some are especially good at speaking phrases. Speech of an Amazon is clearer than that of the African Grey parrots. Among the talking Amazon species, yellow-naped Amazon happen to be the best chatterer. amazon parrot for sale USA
They particularly tend to become one-person birds and aggressive towards others. They like to bite everything and everyone they see but some owners of Amazons claim that their birds do not bite them at all. With some special efforts to make them people-friendly, Amazons are capable of becoming tamed birds. baby amazon parrot for sale
Species: Amazona auropalliata (Yellow-naped)
Amazona ocrocephala (Yellow Crowned Amazon)
Amazona oratrix (Double Yellow Headed)
Amazona aestiva (Blue Fronted Amazons)
Amazona amazonica (Orange-winged Amazon)
Vocabulary: 100-120 words
Lifespan: 70 years
Not prone to developing problems from lack of owner’s interaction. amazon parrot for sale in kentucky
Prone to obesity if the owner is not careful about diet.
Can be eminently loud thus unsuitable for close neighbours.
Types of Amazon Parrot:
Blue-fronted Amazon Parrots
Red-lored Amazon Parrots
Yellow-naped Amazon Parrots
Double Yellow Headed Amazon Parrots
Lilac-crowned Amazon Parrots
Panama Amazons
Southern Mealy Amazon Parrots
Green Cheeked Amazon Parrots
White Fronted (Spectacled) Amazon Parrots
Orange-winged Amazon Parrots
Amazon Parrots
Amazon Parrots
Parrot Eggs
Amazon Parrots
Amazon Parrots
Amazon Parrots
Amazon Parrots